Social Education
What is Social Educational? According to this model, the inaccurate information about the dangers of addictive substances and activities causes addiction. Therefore individuals do not fully understand these dangers and they make poor and uninformed decisions. This leads to the development of an addiction. Many drug rehabilitation programs are now integrating this social-education model of addiction. The social-education model shows an approach where addiction is seen as a learned behavior, rather than having a disease or a predisposition to being an alcoholic or addict. An emphasis is placed on human-environment interactions as key to shaping addiction behavior.
These Programs stress communication and socialization processes, and an ability to recognize what happened in the past that would create present time situation, and how to avoid making bad decisions in the future. This model uses both a therapy and a teaching type setting where addicts re-learn life skills that will assist them in making good choices with positive outcomes. Individuals who have been unsuccessful at 12-Step programs may find that they prefer a method that encourages them to work on skills they lacked when they were using drugs and alcohol rather than in a group setting or therapist office.