It takes incredible courage and the willingness to confront an individual’s addiction, whether it is alcohol, drugs, gambling, or self-injury. But no matter how bad the addiction or how hopeless you feel, there is hope and help available. Never succumb to the idea that there is nothing that can be done, even if you’ve tried and failed before. Lakeview Recovery does not believe that you have to hit rock bottom as so many do. Change can be made at any time.
Recovery truly is a process. I have yet to uncover an individual that felt being sober was obtained without some very difficult times. But overcoming your addiction is possible by learning how to cope in ways that are constructive rather than destructive to yourself and others.
At the beginning of this process, sobriety can seem like an impossible goal to the alcoholic or addict and the family. Change is an absolute possibility with the right Treatment Facility and support, and by confronting and handling the root cause of your addiction. Never give up—even if you’ve tried and failed before. The road to recovery does not have to involve so many setbacks. However it does need to involve Treatment and one that is structured for success. By examining the problem together, learning about the different types of treatment available and thinking about change, you’re already on your way to starting a new and happy chapter in your lives.
When evaluating the many types of substance abuse treatment programs, I always remember that everyone’s needs are different. In general, the longer and more intense the drug use, the longer and more intense the treatment you may need. Regardless of a program’s length in weeks or months, support and long-term follow-up are crucial to recovery. A quality treatment program not only addresses the drug abuse, it also addresses the emotional pain and other life problems that contribute to addiction.
There are many programs out there; unfortunately not all are successful ones. I make it my job to weed through these and help guide families and the addict to one that will be most successful for your individual needs. There are free programs available; unfortunately the waiting list can be unbearably long and hopeless, depending on the circumstances. Many programs take insurance these days and the coverage will vary from program to program. I will work with you and your family on the financial side of treatment to find a facility that can work for you and with you.
When looking into Treatment Facilities Lakeview Recovery focuses on what is truly important: appropriate licensing, quality of care during the program, follow-up services, and staff credentials. Things we check include:
- Program accreditation and licensing. Making sure the treatment program is accredited by the state it’s in, ensuring that the program is run by licensed, well-trained professionals and addiction specialists.
- The effectiveness of the program’s treatment methods. Treatment centers should have at least some statistics on their success rates, preferably from an objective outside agency.
- Type of aftercare services to prevent relapse. Is there a well-run aftercare program? Does it provide referrals to other recovery services and support groups in the community? Also I make sure that a staff member will collaborate with you to create a discharge plan before you leave the program.